Once Upon A Time In Paris… Sort Of.

And then President Macron went on TV and ruined my hopes and dreams of living my best once upon a time in Paris life for the weekend.

But I’ll still bless 2020 with the outfits it CLEARLY doesn’t deserve…

I haven’t been to Paris in over 20 years. YEARS, guys. 95% of my memories revolve around Disney for my 5th birthday and the rest is the Arc de Triomphe. For some reason, my five year old mind really enjoyed it! I don’t really remember anything else from Paris, so, when the opportunity to spend Halloween this year in Paris came up, I was the first to jump on it! I was already feeling all of the once upon a time in Paris vibes.

Paris (like much of France) was under curfew and you had to be home by 21:00PM (9:00PM) along with some other minor restrictions. This really didn’t impact me because I’ve left most of my party days behind me! Honestly, what else would I do past 21:00 other than binge watch Netflix, go down the YouTube black hole (I refuse to get TikTok, so it’s YouTube for me!), or, you know, SLEEP.

Once Upon A Time… In Lockdown

Anyways, I had all of my outfits planned, including my Halloween costume for Parc Asterix, and I had my train and Louvre Museum tickets purchased. I was heading up with some friends, but I would spend a good chunk of the trip solo which was fine by me! Independent is basically my middle name, so I was truly looking forward to discovering Paris as a young adult! I can’t tell you how jackced I was about sitting at some cute little Parisien café, ordering a pain au chocolat, and having the Tour Eiffel as my view.

And then President Macron went on TV and ruined my hopes and dreams of living the ‘Once Upon A Time In Paris’ life for a weekend. France was under a strict lockdown again starting the night after I was supposed to arrive in Paris! So, I cancelled my hotel and got refunded for my tickets. I also drank wine in my room that night. I also watched Emily In Paris… Dramatic, I know.

All I’m missing is a beret!

However, I thought my outfits were REALLY good and I didn’t want to waste them, so here I am, wandering around my gated community, pretending I’m checking out the Louvre and the Tour Eiffel. Imagination is key this confinement! Never waste good outfits, guys! Be on the lookout for my future post: Once Upon A Time In Paris .. For Real This Time when France opens back up!

Effortless Parisienne Chic Vibes

PS. I’m sparing you my Halloween vampire look which was a bathroom mirror selfie. You’re welcome!

First Outfit Details:

Turtleneck: Express (here)
Skirt: Mango (here)
Tights: Gucci (similar here)
Booties: Christian Louboutin (similar here)
Earrings: Mango (similar here)
Purse: Louis Vuitton (here)

Second Outfit Details:

Silk Top: Lilysilk (here)
Belt: Gucci (here)
Jeans: Mango (similar here)
Heels: Versace (here)
Purse: Saint Laurent (here)
Earrings: Versace (here)
Sunglasses: Versace (here)

XO, Tess


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